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I'm so grateful you're here!


Whether you stumbled upon or set out with intention to find my website, you are here for a reason and I can't wait to see all you discover!

"We will discover the nature of our particular genius when we stop trying to conform to our own or to other peoples' models, learn to be ourselves, and allow our natural channel to open."

-Shakti Gawain

What I Am (not)

by Angee Stevens

I am not too sensitive, I am a nurturer.

I am not lost, I am found.

I am not broken, I am a work of art.

I am not powerless, I am powerful.

I am not forgotten, I am remembered.

I am not meek, I am confident.

I am not lazy, I am intuitive.

I am not worthless, I am goddess.

I am not alone, I am soulful.

I am not accidental, I am purposeful.

I am not defined by others, I am defined by me.

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